I signed up to be part of a fun project recently. It's called the sketchbook project and it is put on by the Art House Co-op in Brooklyn, NY. It seemed like a really good exercise to me. I was hoping to get my creative juices flowing at a more rapid speed. So far it seems be be working for me. I signed up a couple weeks ago and they sent me a 5x8 sketchbook (for 25.00) and a theme. My theme is "Down your Street". Perfect, I walk my dog Lois everyday. I thought I was sure to see lots and lots of fun things down my street. Well, turns out I am looking around with fresh eyes at my surrounding. I look forward to our walk and to getting ideas down in my sketchbook. I thought I would share a few of my recent sketches with you.
It's not to late to sign up for this project. To learn more about it you can go to www.arthousecoop.com or google the sketchbook project. I'm sure having fun with it.
Hi Melissa - This is so neat. Looks like fun too. Thanks for letting us know about it.